Ode: in this article you will understand what is a Epic poetry, it's origin, definition, types & examples. This is especially created for B.A. English honours semester l students of BBMKU & VBU. You can read other similar article on our website.
Table of Contents
1. Ode Origin
2. Ode Definition
3. Types of Ode
4. Ode Examples
Ode Poetry Origin:
The term ode originally comes from the Greek word 'aeidien' which means "song", which is sung in public. It is a poem for praising or glorifying an event, person, things etc. It is serious in its tone and subject matter. Abraham Cowley in 17th century written English Ode.
Ode Poetry Definition:
An ode is one of the most popular form of poetry. It is a special kind of subjective poetry. It is addressed to someone or something. It is an expression of passionate feeling such as love, respect or praise for someone or something. In ancient time it was generally written on someone's victory to praise him or her and it was sung as a song. Odes are not Spontaneous like lyric. It is the result of hard labour. Odes are thought and well planned. Today's odes are usually rhyming poems with an irregular metre, although rhyme is not required for a poem to be classified as an ode.
Types of Ode Poetry:
There are mainly three types or sub- geners of ode poetry: pindaric, horatian and irregular. Each types are discussed below:
(1) Pindaric: it is named after the ancient Greek poet "Pindar" who started writing choral poems which were meant to be sung at public events. In this kind of ode there are three stanzas- strophe, antestrophe and epod. These three stanzas are used while composing a pindaric ode.
(2) Horatian Ode: It was invented by a Roman poet Horace. This form of ode consist of two or four line stanza.
(3) Irregular Ode: This form of ode consist rhyme, as well as irregular verse structure and stanza pattern.
Ode poetry Examples and Poets:
There are many examples of ode poetry. Some of the famous examples of ode are given below:
(1) Ode to the West Wind by P.B. Shelly: It is one of the most famous example of ode by P.B. Shelly which was written in 1819 in the automn season and published in 1820. Ode to the west wind means the blow of air towards west. In this poem the poet P.B. Shelly gives a message to the reader of reformation.
(2) Ode on a Gracian Urn by John Keats: It is also considered one of the most popular example of ode originally written by John Keats in 1819 and published in 1820. Once he had gone to London where he saw a wonderful well decorated Gracian Urn. Keats got influenced by the urn and composed an ode on that urn.
(3) Ode to Autumn by John Keats: Ode to Autumn is a famous example of Ode poetry. It was originally written by a famous English romantic poet John Keats. It was originally published in 1820. In this poem Keats praises the season of Autumn.
(4) Ode to the Nightingale by John Keats: It is also one of the most popular ode poetry of John Keats, published in 1819. In this poem the poet wants to escape from all the pressures and sufferings. He addresses the nightingale as an immortal.
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